Easy Breakfast Idea: Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Bound to Recipe

Total Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 9 mini sandwiches

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe – these easy breakfast sandwiches accept all the classic breakfast staples and combine them into a fun, handheld meal that is fun for kids and adults alike.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Piece of cake Breakfast Thought: Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Hey Fantabulosity readers! Information technology'due south Meg from Meg's Everyday Indulgence here.

I love sharing elementary, succulent recipes that seem a petty special but use easy to find everyday ingredients. I'grand then excited to have the opportunity to share an easy breakfast idea with yous all today.

School is most in session which means it's time for all the planning and preparation that goes into a successful new schoolhouse year.

Gone are the lazy days of summer when y'all tin lounge around before figuring out what to eat for breakfast. You need a plan and I hope today'southward recipe can help make your mornings run smoothly.

When information technology comes to breakfast food my kids are luckily not as well picky but they are a lot similar me and require diverseness.

I'm so not the kind of person that can eat the same thing twenty-four hours after twenty-four hour period so I brainstorm often for fun but piece of cake breakfast options to feed my crew. Emphasis on piece of cake.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

That way I accept a handful of like shooting fish in a barrel breakfast ideas that I know they volition consume and that won't take me likewise much time to gear up.

These Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches are a fun and super simple thought I came up with this summer that I knew would be perfect for the school year or to enjoy on your commute to work.

Kid Friendly and Easily Adapted to Suit Your Tastes

There actually isn't anything not to similar about these cute picayune guys. They consist of a classic lineup of waffles, eggs, cheese, and bacon.

If bacon isn't your affair (not sure if we tin exist friends) you tin can substitute a portion of a sausage patty or a slice of Canadian bacon. Leave off the cheese or add a slice of avocado to get in your own.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

My kids and husband enjoyed dunking them in maple syrup. I always prefer savory so I went with a dash of hot sauce. You lot do you.

And what kid (or adult for that thing) doesn't savour food in miniature?!

Freezer Friendly

My favorite thing about these Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches is that y'all can prep them alee of time for decorated school mornings. I don't know most you lot merely getting kids upward, dressed, fed and out the door can turn into quite a circus human action so I'll take any help I can get. I live for finding all the means to get things done alee of time.

Let's Make These Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

First, heat a skillet over medium heat. Add the salary to the skillet and melt until crispy. Pour out all but a tablespoon of the bacon grease. Yep, we're scrambling those eggs in salary grease, my friends.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Pop the mini waffles in the toaster so they'll get nice and crispy.

Next, whisk the eggs in a basin until it's completely yellowish all the way through and no longer see whatever white streaks. Cook the eggs the salary grease until they are just prepare then fold in the cheese.

To assemble the sandwiches, get-go with a mini waffle so superlative with a scoop of cheesy eggs and a strip of bacon then top with some other waffle. Keep assembling and distribute to your people.

To Prepare for the Freezer

Assemble the sandwiches and wrap individually with foil. Place the foil-wrapped mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe – these easy breakfast sandwiches take all the classic breakfast staples and combine them into a fun, sandwiches in a freezer bag and place them in the freezer.

When yous're ready to eat them, unwrap and then pop them on a baking canvas for five to 10 minutes at 350 degrees F.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Whether you lot demand an easy breakfast idea for the kids earlier school or a handheld meal on the run, these Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches accept you covered.

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches

Mini Waffle Breakfast Sandwiches Recipe – these easy breakfast sandwiches take all the classic breakfast staples and combine them into a fun, handheld repast that is fun for kids and adults alike.

Prep Time 10 mins

Melt Time 10 mins

Total Time 20 mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American

Servings 9 mini sandwiches

Calories 264 kcal

  • 3 slices salary, each cut into thirds
  • iv large eggs
  • common salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 18 mini frozen waffles
  • Optional additions: avocado slices, maple syrup, hot sauce

Prevent your screen from going night

  • Heat a medium sized skillet over medium heat. Add bacon to skillet and melt until well-baked. Remove to a paper towel lined plate and prepare aside.

  • Dump all merely ane tablespoon of the bacon grease from the skillet then place back over the rut. Crack the eggs in a bowl and whisk until yellow and no white streaks announced. Add eggs to the skillet and scramble until just cooked. Season with salt and pepper then sprinkle with cheddar cheese. Permit to melt.

  • Meanwhile, toast waffles until crisp.

  • To get together: lay out 9 mini waffles and divide eggs evenly amid them. Summit each with a strip of bacon. Peak with some other waffle and bask.

  • Freezer instructions: gather waffle sandwiches and permit to cool completely. Wrap each sandwich tightly with foil then place in a gallon freezer bag. Freeze until ready to eat. To reheat: heat oven to 350 degrees F. Unwrap desired amount of sandwiches and place on a baking sail. Cook for 5 to ten minutes, until heated through and crisped.

Serving: 1 sandwich | Calories: 264 kcal | Carbohydrates: 25 g | Protein: 10 g | Fat: fourteen g | Saturated Fat: 5 grand | Cholesterol: 121 mg | Sodium: 487 mg | Potassium: 109 mg | Fiber: 1 chiliad | Saccharide: two g | Vitamin A: 1142 IU | Calcium: 203 mg | Iron: 5 mg

Nutritional information is based on third-party calculations and should be considered estimates. Actual nutritional content will vary with brands used, measuring methods, portion sizes and more.

Keywords easy breakfast ideas, kid friendly breakfast ideas, mini waffles recipe

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Source: https://fantabulosity.com/easy-breakfast-idea-mini-waffle-breakfast-sandwiches/

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