New York City Snipper Strikes Again

Hide Sight
Season seven
Number seven
Writer Beak Haynes
Managing director Alex Zakrzewski
Original Airdate November five, 2010
Previous Episode: Do Non Pass Get
Next Episode: Scared Stiff

Hide Sight is the seventh episode in season seven of CSI: NY.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Cast
    • 3.1 Chief Bandage
    • 3.2 Guest Cast
  • 4 Trivia
  • v Encounter Also


Mac is on the hunt for a sniper who is using nitroglycerin in his bullets to explode on impact, and the prime doubtable was once a missing boy from one of Mac's quondam cases.


A sniper takes out two women in separate shooting incidents and Sid is injured in the morgue when the bullet from the second victim explodes when he tries to remove information technology. Danny examines the bullet's remains and discovers it was filled with nitroglycerin. At a press briefing, Mac butts heads with Main Ted Carver, who wants Mac to go along placidity almost the fact that there might exist a sniper on the loose in the urban center. Though Mac tries to keep his answers noncommittal, he agrees with a reporter who says that information technology sounds similar at that place's a sniper loose in the city, irking Carver. At the scene, Jo and Lindsay discover the sniper's hide sight location and recover a hair and a protrude with human claret on it. Mac consults with his squad on the case, but isn't able to encounter a connexion betwixt the two victims, Elizabeth Grant and Vanessa Walters, aside from the fact that both were women with fair coloring. Jo turns upwardly a connection with DNA from blood from the beetle, and a mitochondrial friction match on the hair to a twenty-iv-year-sometime homo who had been kidnapped every bit a child. Mac recalls the case, one he worked: Michael Reynolds was taken by a sex offender named Arthur Francis at the historic period of nine. Three years later, Michael managed to escape his captor and was reunited with his parents and blood brother, Tom. Mac and Flack go to the Reynolds' flat but detect no 1 dwelling. Mac notices drawings on the wall and crushed up reddish paint from beetles like to the one Lindsay institute on the roof. A immature woman in the building across the street, Hayley Montgommery, calls to Mac and he remembers her from the interviews he did when Michael went missing. She tells him Michael used to have nightmares afterward he came dorsum domicile, and that he left dwelling when he turned 18.

The sniper strikes again, taking out a married businessman. Mac puts pressure on Carver to put the urban center on alert, insisting the public needs to know what'due south going on. Lindsay traces the beetles to two pigment supply companies and finds a Michael Francis purchased beetles from both. Recalling that the last proper name of Michael'southward kidnapper was Francis, Jo posits that Michael may have suffered Stockholm Syndrome and taken his abductor's last name. Flack and Danny rush to Michael Francis' accost and find a man dead from a gunshot wound on the floor. The CSIs are puzzled when the dead human is confirmed to be Michael Reynolds himself, their prime number suspect, until Mac realizes the mitochondrial DNA from the hair could have matched Michael'south brother, Tom, too. When Hayley calls Mac to tell him that Tom is back in the apartment looking for something, the CSIs blitz over. They find Hayley unharmed, merely Tom is gone. The CSIs find videotapes filled with angry rants from Tom, and Jo decides to apply the NY Alert System, which will text his photo to every active cell telephone in the area. A woman spots Tom at a hotel in Midtown and dials 911. The cops rush the hotel and find Tom on the roof. He shoots i of the cops, and Mac tries to talk him downwardly, but Tom refuses to budge. Before Tom tin shoot someone else, Mac fires on Tom's ammunition, detonating information technology and allowing the cops to capture Tom. Sid returns to work, and Jo presents him with a new pair of spectacles, complete with impact resistant glass.


Chief Cast

  • Gary Sinise as Mac Taylor
  • Sela Ward as Jo Danville
  • Carmine Giovinazzo equally Danny Messer
  • Anna Belknap equally Lindsay Messer
  • Robert Joy every bit Sid Hammerback
  • AJ Buckley as Adam Ross
  • Loma Harper every bit Sheldon Hawkes
  • Eddie Cahill every bit Don Flack

Guest Bandage

  • John Larroquette equally Chief Ted Carver
  • Marking L. Immature as Tom Reynolds
  • Zack Robidas every bit Reporter #1
  • Toks Olagundoye as Reporter #2
  • Austin Michael Coleman as Michael Reynolds
  • Stacey Yen as Reporter #iii
  • Aidan Andrews every bit Young Michael Reynolds
  • Tiffany Dupont as Hayley Montgommery
  • Benjamin Stockham as Young Tom Reynolds
  • Mike DiGiacinto as Brian Sanders


  • John Larroquette (Ted Carver) is also known as Mike McBride on the McBride serial of movies on Hallmark Aqueduct.
  • Tiffany Dupont (Hayley Montgommery) has done the trifecta, playing Rachel Petrella in Final Harbinger and Cammie Brookston in Empty Eyes as well.

See Also

  • Listing of CSI: NY episodes
  • CSI:New York Season 7
  • Category:Images from Hibernate Sight


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